The Prison of Freedom Read online

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everything the same. We are always looking and searching for that permanence and can never find it. We try to possess that which cannot be possessed because it can never be truly ours. Yet we cling to things with our tight little hands or try to manipulate others with our little schemes so that we can get hold of that which slips through our hands. At that moment the sun went behind a cloud and then in a moment it came from behind the cloud. Again, I thought, everything is changing all the time and then it hit me like a thunderbolt. The only thing that never changes is God. He was the same before I was ever born. He is the same while I stand here amidst this changing world and He will be the same when I am gone. This then was my prayer, this was my desire, Father in this ever changing world teach me to cling to the one who never changes. Jesus may I cling to the love that is ever present, may I yield to the one who is the rock of my salvation, the harbor for my soul. Thank you, for showing me yourself again.

  Then I heard the clanging of the guard bringing us our food. Yes, this world is ever changing and Mr. Gruff was back, he slammed the food down spilling a little of the water and a couple of the figs fell on the floor. His wonderful good morning sounded a little different than most good mornings for he said, “keep it down in there today.” He then turned and clanged his way back down the hall. I turned around and Paul was standing behind me with a good morning smile on his face. He looked at me and said, “Well some things never change.” The Lord and I had a good silent laugh when he said this. We prayed and then were enjoying our breakfast when Paul said, “Look over there.” I looked up and sure enough there was Angel sitting on the window sill. We took some crumbs over and put them on Angel’s protruding stone table. He hesitated but not for long and soon was enjoying his own breakfast. After breakfast Paul said, “Tychicus, I want to start talking about some practical things that not only our brothers at Ephesus need to do but things that we all need to practice.”

  Next discussion, Paul got out our writing instruments and we began to get to work. Here is what he began with today, “I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. With all lowliness and meekness with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love.” Paul stopped and took a deep breath then said, “Tychicus we should all realize that we are prisoners of the Lord we are in bonds to Him. For if we are not in bonds to Him then we are enslaved to the world. There are only those two choices. Tychicus because we have this honor to be His servant I beg you to walk and to regulate your life in accordance with this divine invitation which has been given you. I beg you to have a humble opinion of yourself, be gentle with others, and be patient and slow in avenging wrong. Tychicus, endure with good will, affection and brotherly love all those you come in contact with.” Paul began to write again but as he wrote he spoke out loud, “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and the Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all.” Paul stopped and sadly shook his head while saying, “I fear, I fear, I fear.” I said, “What, what is it you fear Paul?” Paul looked at me and said Tychicus,” there is only one body which is us the church, there is only one Spirit which is the spiritual nature of Christ, there is only one hope in eternal salvation.” Paul took a deep breath and said let me continue, “There is only one faith or belief which gets us to Him. Tychicus, there is only one way to baptize, there is only one God who is the Father and Creator of all and He is above all and through all and in us all. I wrote those things because I fear that in the future there will be many divisions in the church over the things we should all be united in. I fear there will be many divisions over that in which there should be oneness.” He stopped and said, “Do you see why I fear Tychicus?” I answered and said I pray that this will not happen for what we have in Jesus is too precious to be divided.” I then said that I understood everything he had said but did have one question. I asked him what he meant by one baptism. He said, “We should all be baptized after salvation and since Jesus was baptize by submersion then we should follow that example.” I said to Paul,” I would like to be baptized” and Paul said, “that’s the spirit Tychicus.” I thought what if I die in here and do not get baptized. Paul must have been reading my thoughts for he said, “Baptism will not save you Tychicus. Jesus saves you, baptism is only an outward sign of an inward baptism or change of heart”

  We heard a noise outside of our cell window and walked over to it. When we got there all we could see were Roman boots walking away. However laying there on the window sill was a beautiful cluster of grapes. We both thanked God for them and broke off two of them and put them on Angel’s table then we rejoiced in our God fortune. We both wondered who those boots belonged to. Paul said it was time to get back to work and so we did. Here is what Paul wrote next, “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore He said, when He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men. Now that He ascended what is it but that He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended far above all heavens that He might fill all things.” Paul stopped and said, “I know that what I am writing here is going to confuse many and there will be many discussions about it. Tychicus, some will say one thing others will say something else. I am referring to something you are not familiar with Tychicus and that is the writings that we Jews call the Psalms. You will learn of them as you grow in the Lord. I am quoting from one of them when I write, thou has ascended on high, and He led captivity captive and received gifts for men. When Jesus went back into Heaven He had fulfilled everything that He came to do. If He had not then we would be lost. When He ascended back to the Father He received all the honor that was due Him all the honor that He did not receive while here on earth. We also are seated with Him in the Heavenly places. We who were captive to our sins have been set free in Him. He has given us the gifts but those gifts are all wrapped up in one thing and that is His Spirit. Now that He has fulfilled His mission all who were waiting for Him to do so have also been set free and now reside with Him in Heaven. They were in waiting for His redemption of all of us. Tychicus, Jesus is the Holy One of God and He is the one who has made the way for us to enter into Heaven. Even those great men of God from the past some of who you might have heard of like Abraham and Isaac had to wait for him to fulfill His mission. God put them in a special place but until Jesus came and rose again even they could not enter in because the first to enter into heaven had to be our Lord and Savior. It is glorious that His redemption not only has covered us but reaches back into ages past and makes those saints part of His majestic present resurrection. What a perfect redemption, for Jesus was not only able to descend but to ascend so that all things might be filled in Him. Remember Tychicus, how I just wrote that He would fill all things. He has now completed all the things that He was sent to do while in His flesh. He has rendered all things perfect in Himself. Tychicus many will confuse what I said but if they focus on the fact that Jesus is the beginning and the end, the author and the finisher of our faith they will stay on the course. I pray that we all will keep that simple truth in mind.” When Paul said that it struck a chord within me. I prayed yes, Lord, just let me keep the simple truth of your redemption in mind and not get blogged down with all the things that a mind can get blogged down with.

  Next discussion, Paul said, “Tychicus, men need to know that Jesus fulfilled all that He came to do and because He has fulfilled everything He is equipping his saints with gifts through His Spirit. I will inform our brothers at Ephesus of some of those gifts so that things can be done decently and in order.” I leaned over as Paul wrote for I was curious to know if I had received any of these gifts. These are the words that he wrote, “And He gave some to apostles and some prophets and some evangelists, and some pastors and some teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for th
e work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Tychicus, let me explain some of these terms to you. There were twelve original apostles who Jesus picked to walk with Him. Do you remember when we first met that I called you an apostle? Tychicus, again, I say unto you we are all apostles, we are all messengers sent to proclaim the good news of Jesus to a dying world. You were not one of those twelve, how could you be you were not there. I was an apostle born out of season for I was not there either. Tychicus, an apostle is one sent forth with orders. What are your orders Tychicus?” I was stumped for a minute and then it came to me. I smiled and said, “To tell the people the good news that Jesus has come to rescue them, to save them.” Paul shook his head and said, “Yes that is it.” He then continued, “How easy it is to lose our focus and start arguing about what apostle we are following, to start pointing fingers and saying I am of this one and I am of that one. Keep your eyes on the Savior and you will not