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The Prison of Freedom Page 11

so that you can fulfill yourself in me. I again felt the peace of God come over me. Paul had been writing while I was confessing so I read the words that he had now written, “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Paul stopped for I think he knew that I was going to ask him something and he was right. “Paul,” I said, “How can I grieve the Holy Spirit?” Paul answered, “Tychicus, the Holy Spirit was put in you so that you can rely on His power and guidance. When you take off after seeing the things I have written and try to do them yourself you defeat the purpose that He came for. That word grieve means that you make Him sorrowful. You offend Him by not allowing Him to do what He came to do. How would you feel if you were hired to be a teacher and the one that you were hired to teach refused to let you teach him? Would you not only be offended but also sorrowful as you watched him mess up time and time again while you stood there knowing how to help him? Would you not be grieved standing there by his side with all the resources in the world at your fingertips while he just ignored you? Tychicus, even though we are so often like this God in His merciful kindness has sealed us with His own Spirit so that without a doubt we are marked by His Son until the day of our deliverance. He has paid the ransom for us and marked us with His own Spirit. Do you now understand how we can grieve Him?” I was speechless. I felt shame as I had never felt it before. I stood there nodding my head while praying. Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit forgive me for thinking that I am able to keep Holy the things that you say are Holy. Forgive me for getting in your way. I know that I will do so again but please let me come to know you enough that I will be able to recognize your voice when you are telling me that I am in the way. I looked down and Paul had written these words, “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. And be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Paul knew that he did not have to say anything about the words that he had written for he knew that I was standing there thanking God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for this grace which was so undeserved. It had grown dark and the candles were all gone so we decided to go to bed. As we laid down and I thought about the day. I think that the thing that Paul was trying to impress on me the most was God’s grace in Jesus. To keep my eyes and heart on the reason for all of this grace and it was found in Him. As I was praying off to sleep I think I heard Paul say, “Jehovah-Jireh.”

  Day Seven

  The next morning I awoke and went to the throne of grace and there just thanked my Father for all of His blessing. I know that it sounds strange but my mind went back to a time I was watching a caterpillar with all of its legs just walking along when suddenly I was just gripped with the wonder of it all. I just sat and praised God for all the things that He has done in nature. How He has made so many things to make us laugh. So many things to enjoy in all that He has created if we will just look. From there I went to the cross and thanked Jesus for stepping out of heaven to come looking for one such as me. I thanked Him for the cross that He bore for us what a wonderful work of grace. Then I thanked Him for dwelling within me by His Holy Spirit and prayed that I would learn to commune with Him and listen to His guidance instead of running off in my own mind, emotions and imagination. I had just finished as the light of the sun was beginning to break through our cell window. I walked over being careful not to disturb Paul who was still at the throne of grace. I could see that there would be no need of candles today for the sky was a crystal clear blue. I heard the guard approaching and I thought, Mr. Gruff you are not going to spoil my day for I am going to praise the Lord all day long. I was so pleasantly surprised for it was Lucius who came walking down the hallway. He came with extra bread, figs and even some grapes. He greeted me with a, “Hello my brother.” He then said that He could not believe it when they told him that he would be back here today but that the other guard had gotten drunk last night and was in no shape to do anything. Paul had come up behind us as we were talking and we all had a short time of prayer together. Lucius then ask us if there was anything we needed. Paul said that we were running low on ink and parchment. Lucius got a strange look on his face and said, “This is hard to believe but on my way over her one of the street vendors ask me if I knew of anyone who needed some ink and parchment. He said that he had come across a large supply of it and would let me have it at a very good price.” Lucius then said to wait by the cell window and he would see if he could still find the vendor. Paul and I walked over to the window and in about ten minutes we saw boots approaching and Lucius bent down with a whole handful of parchment and a container of ink. Paul said to Lucius, “Have you ever dropped anything down this window before. Lucius answered, “No.” Paul and I were both wondering the same thing. Who was it that had put those candles in the window that rainy day? All we had ever seen of our mysterious benefactor were boots walking away. Lucius said that he had to go and we bid him farewell and God speed. As he left Paul and I turned to each other with the same thought going through our head. We both said almost at the same time, “Jehovah- Jireh” and had a good laugh.

  Paul said, Tychicus, we have much more to write to our brothers at Ephesus but first let us take some breakfast from this wonderful supply that God has furnished through Lucius. Who do you think showed up right after our prayer? If you guessed Angel you would be right. Upon his arrival Angel promptly went over to his stone table as if expecting his breakfast to already be there. He made a chirping sound and flew back over to the window sill as if to say did you forget about me. Paul gave me the honors of putting his breakfast on his stone table and it did not take him long to begin to enjoy it.

  Next discussion, with breakfast finished and our needs met Paul said, Tychicus, it is time to get back to work. We both sat down at the table and I read as Paul began to write, “Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children. And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.” Paul said, “Tychicus, What do you think a follower of God is?” I thought about it and said, “I guess it is one who follows God. “Paul then said, “That is pretty vague Tychicus. If you were to tell that to another young believer I do not think that they would gain much from that statement.” As soon as he said that I knew he was right. I then ask him to explain further. Paul responded, “A follower of God is an imitator Tychicus. We are not only imitators but we are beloved, esteemed, and favorites of our Father. When we say we are a follower of God we must live as we saw God live in the flesh. We must live as Jesus did, first we must walk in love or make use of opportunities given to us to benefit our brothers whether in a spiritual way or a temporal way. We must be ready always to tell those without the family how Jesus loved us and them. How He give Himself in behalf of us. How He gave Himself as an offering or gift to God. Tychicus we must let them know that He became the victim or sacrifice for the penalty that we owed. Because He did this Tychicus, He was a person, or sacrifice that was well pleasing to God. I guess you could say that He became an odor of perfume that covered up the stench of sin.” Again, I felt the awe and wonder of the love of God who gave Himself for us. I wanted so to be a follower of Him, an imitator of Jesus. I knew that only He could by His power make me to be like Himself. I gave myself totally to Him at that moment to mold and to make me as He wished.

  Next discussion, Paul interrupted my thoughts and said, “We will now write how this following of Jesus will work out in our lives. Tychicus, read as I write.” But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be once named among you as becomes saints. Neither filthiness nor foolish talking, nor jesting which are not convenient but rather giving thanks. For this ye know that no whoremonger nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.” I stopped Paul for as I was reading I started to become afraid again. Afraid that I could not live up to those things which he was writing. I knew that unclean
ness or impure motives often took hold of me. As for covetousness instead of it not being once named among me it had often been my envy that made me dislike other people. I shamefully admitted to myself that, filthiness, obscenity, and joking with sexual innuendoes often came to my mind and lips. A whoremonger I had also been for Paul had once explained that this was one who indulged in unlawful sexual intercourse. The more I read the more fearful I became. Paul looked up at me and said, “Do you need some help Tychicus.” I said, “I sure do.” Paul began to explain, “Tychicus when you get saved the Holy Spirit enters into your spirit to take up His abode. That is why we say you are born again. Before you met Jesus your spirit and soul walked in darkness without the light of God. But now your spirit which includes your conscience is awaken to what is right in the sight of God. The fact that you are bothered by these things is proof that you are saved. If you were sorry for things you had done before you got saved it was not sorrow towards God