The Prison of Freedom Read online

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candles off and we did not even hear them. Paul took one of the candles and lit it and I am not sure but I think I heard him giggle. “Tychicus now that we have some more light shall we continue.” I did not respond but just sat down beside him and leaned over to watch him write his next words, “But speaking the truth in love may grow up into Him in all things which is the head even Christ. From whom the body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies according to the effectual working in the measure of every part makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” Tychicus, this is why we must learn the truth and keep our eyes on the Savior for there is much more at stake here than just ourselves. We must not only learn the truth but speak it to others so that all may grow into the likeness of our Savior. All of the believers must be joined together for all are important. All of us have to be compacted or fit together for every believer is a joint of the body, every believer is a connection to another believer. If every believer will keep his eyes on Jesus then the church will grow it will edify itself. Every believer will take his part in promoting another’s growth in wisdom, happiness and holiness. Oh Tychicus, I pray that these words I write to our brothers in Ephesus will take hold and they will love one another.”

  Next discussion, Paul then stopped and just sat for a while as I read over the words that he had written. We then took a short water break and ate the last of our bread. I stopped on my last bite and broke some off and put it on Angels little table. I turned to Paul and smiled and said, “Jehovah-Jireh.” Paul just shook his head and smiled. Paul then said that it was time for him to give some practical instruction to myself and to the believers in Ephesus. He then wrote, “This I say therefore and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their minds.” I stopped Paul and asked him what he meant by in the vanity of their minds. Paul said, “To regulate their lives as if there were no truth to what they had learned about Christ.” Paul then said, “Let me explain a little more of how the mind works when one is not saved.” He said I will speak out loud as I write these words, “Having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their hearts. Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness.” Paul stopped writing and got a very serious expressions of his face. He said,”Tychicus, salvation is the free gift of God to all who believe but after that it is a matter of choice for us in the way that we conduct our lives. We can live as we did before we came to know the Savior. Living that way is to have is to have your way of thinking and feeling to be deprived of the light of God. When you live that way you shut yourself off from fellowship and intimacy with the Savior. The longer you live that way the more morally blind you become and finally your mind and heart will become callused. You become insensible to voice of the Holy Spirit. The further you go the more lascivious you will become meaning that you will become shameless, outrageous and filled with unbridled lust. Even your morals will become impure wanting you to have more and more. For lust says it is never enough. Tychicus, if a true child of God keeps ignoring the promptings of the Spirit that dwells within him sooner or later he will force his loving heavenly Father to take action. Tychicus, I knew of a couple who sold their land and then said they were giving all the money they got for it to the work of the church but actually they were holding back part of it. Tychicus, God took them home early in life because they lied to the Holy Spirit.” I said to Paul I do not want to end up like that I want to live for my Lord but I am scared I do not have the strength to do that. I am not even sure what I am supposed to do.”

  Next discussion, Paul looked and said, “That is why we are writing this letter Tychicus, and that is why you are here.” I sheepishly grinned and said, “Oh, yes, I forgot.” Another candle had burned out so we lit another one. I could tell Paul’s hands were cold so we took part of our sheet and wrapped his hand in it just leaving the fingers exposed. It had gotten much colder as the day continued on and the rain kept falling so we also wrapped our blankets around our shoulders to keep warm. Paul then wrote this to the Ephesians and as I read it I knew he was also thinking of me when he wrote what follows, “But ye have not so learned Christ. If so be that ye heard Him and have been taught by Him as the truth is in Jesus.” Paul stopped and said, “Tychicus I have a question for you? Have you learned Jesus Christ? Have you been informed of Him? I said, “Yes, Paul, of course I have not only from that man at the market who first told me of Him but also from you.” Paul then said, “So if you have been informed of Him have I instructed you about Him? Again I answered a very affirmative, “Yes.” Paul asked one more question, “So far have I taught you what is true in things pertaining to God?” One more time I answered, “Yes.” Paul then said, “Now then is the time to tell you and the Ephesians what you must do.” He then began to write,” That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful lust and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And that ye put on the new man which after God is created in righteous and true holiness.” I thought to myself how in the world will I be able to do that. I know how wicked, weak, and depraved that I can be. I do not want to be that way now that I have met the Savior but it seems that I am still very much that way. Sometimes I thought that Paul was a mind reader but later learned it was called discernment for he said, “Do not fret Tychicus, for God knows how weak and depraved we all are. He does not ask much but He does ask for us to be willing. This free will that He gave us is about all that we really have that we can give back to Him. Tychicus, are you willing to put aside that old manner of life with its desires for that which is forbidden?” I said, “Oh, yes I want that very much.” Paul replied,” Are you willing to be renewed in the spirit of your mind meaning a complete change in the way of your thinking? I again replied, “Yes.” Paul said he had only one more thing to ask, “Are you willing to clothe yourself with the new man which God has formed, to be clothe in His righteousness and His holiness which will bring about a condition that is acceptable to Him” I said, “Oh, Paul you know I do. I want to be like my Savior.” Paul looked at me and said, “I know you do Tychicus but the only way you can do this is to continually be looking at your Savior for if you look at others you will soon be discouraged. It is His power and His Spirit that will enable you to do this so I tell you now to get your eyes fixed on Him and Him only. If you began to follow a man Tychicus and that includes me you will become very disillusioned for we will always let each other down.” I found this hard to comprehend for Paul seemed like such a giant in the Lord to me and yet I knew in my heart he was right for there is only one Jesus and He was the one we were to follow. Paul continued, “Tychicus, what I am now writing can only be done through the power of the Spirit. The words that I am going to write are not hard to understand but the power to do them must be from the Spirit of God. Men will set out to do them only to find that they cannot and instead of seeking the one who can they will water down what I am going to write. They will make excuses for their sin instead of seeking the one who can overcome their sin. Paul then began to write. “Wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members one of another. Be ye angry and sin not let not the sun go down on your wrath. Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needs. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” I stopped Paul and said, “These look like a lot of rules and regulations. I thought that it was grace that saved us.” Paul said, “Tychicus, do you think that because we now have the grace of God that God has become less holy than He was? Do you think that He now says just do whatever you want because you live under grace? God forbid, Tychicus, He now expects more of us but He expects it through His Son Jesu
s.” I said, “Paul no one can live up these demands.” Incredibly, Paul laughed and said, “You are exactly right Tychicus. Have you already forgot what I taught you?” I responded, “I must have for I am perplexed.” Paul shook his head and said, “Tychicus, Tychicus, Tychicus, do you not see why you have to keep your eyes on the Savior? If you do not then you soon will be telling others to do this and that without reminding them that it is the power of God that will enable them to do it. How easily we are swayed from this grace and plunged back into bondage. Our Father never asks us to live up to something that He is not willing to do in us. What do you say now Tychicus?” I hung my head and ask forgiveness for so quickly getting off the track of grace. I was embarrassed for as soon as I saw Paul writing down something that God wanted me to do I began to plot and to plan how in the world was I going to do it. I prayed Jesus I come back to the throne of grace and power. I again yield myself to you